Listen to the song of the whales
Whale watching with hydrophone
Modern technology meets the giants of the sea
From the first floor, we are ready to spot whales, playful humpback whales, fin whales or bowhead whales.
Maybe they squish in krill, play in packs or swim close to the boat. Particularly photogenic are humpback whales with their characteristic tails, which come into view when they dive. The tail fins are strong, muscular and ideal for the powerful swimming strokes required to propel them forward. in total there are 16 whale species in Greenland.
You can never say exactly where and when the whales will appear, but with the skipper's local knowledge and the boat's special whale tracking equipment (hydrophone), there are optimal opportunities to experience the sea's large mammals. The contact with the local fishermen can also give us good indications about which way we should look for the day in question.
Duration approx. 3 hours.

Book a trip - get close to the whales
Use the arrows to browse through the months.
The green fields mark that it is possible to book a trip.
Price: DKK 1,300.00 / person
There must be a minimum of 8 participants for the tour to take place.
Meeting place: Tourist ponton on the north side of the harbour – at Halibut Greenland. We meet 10 min. before departure.
Remember to bring warm outerwear that can be cold on the water, regardless of the sun's rays. Remember sunscreen, sunglasses and camera.